Tooth Replacements

  1. Dentures

    1. Metal
    2. Acrylic
    3. Flexi
  2. Implants

  3. Bridgework


Metal Dentures are usually more comfortable than the acrylic ones because they cover a smaller area and can be tooth supported i.e Supported by the natural remaining teeth.

Metal Dentures

Acrylic Dentures

Acrylic Dentures are made of acrylic which is a type of plastic material. This is the most common type of replacement because it is the most economical.

A Full Denture is used to replace all the missing teeth in one arch of the mouth.

Image result for complete acrylic denture drawing

An Advanced Alternative – Flexi Dentures 

Sunflex® Partial Dentures

  • No metal clasps
  • Perfect degree of felxibility
  • More stain-resistant than other flexible acrylics
  • Ideal for patients considering a removable partial and do not want metal clasps
  • Will not warp or become brittle
  • Can be rebased and repaired
  • Perfect for patients allergic to monomer
  • An aesthetically superior removable partial with full functionality and comfort
  • Teeth and clasps can be added later

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Dental Implants

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